Subject Matter Expert

Jan Hasbrouck, PhD

Nationally Recognized Reading Fluency Expert

Dr. Jan Hasbrouck is an educational consultant, trainer, and researcher. Her research in areas of reading fluency, reading assessment, coaching, and second language learners has been published widely. Dr. Hasbrouck worked as a reading specialist and literacy coach for 15 years before teaching at the University of Oregon and Texas A&M University.

Reading Fluency

In this online, self-guided course you will explore what reading fluency is, how to assess it, and how to foster progress in your students.

  • Expert-led

    Learn best-practices from the nation's leading expert in reading fluency, Jan Hasbrouck, PhD

  • Affordable

    Take the course for a fraction of the cost of other training programs

  • Online and On-demand

    Take the course online and on your own timeline

Course curriculum

    1. Reading Fluency Course Intro Video

    2. 1.1 Reading Fluency Course Overview

    3. 1.2 Reading Fluency Instruction Learning Guide

    1. Video: Plain Talk on Reading Fluency with Jan Hasbrouck

    2. 2.1 Understanding Fluency: The Definition

    3. 2.2 Understanding Fluency: The Mechanics

    4. 2.3 Understanding Fluency: The Components

    5. Module 2 Quick Quiz: Understanding Fluency

    1. 3.1 Assessing Fluency: Why Assess?

    2. 3.2 Assessing Fluency: How to Assess

    3. Download: Oral Reading Fluency Norms (Hasbrouck & Tindal 2017)

    4. 3.3 Assessing Fluency: Choosing the Right Assessment

    5. 3.4 Assessing Fluency: Using Data to Plan Instruction

    6. Module 3 Quick Quiz: Assessing Fluency

    1. 4.1 Teaching Fluency: Planning

    2. 4.2 Teaching Fluency: Text Selection

    3. 4.3 Teaching Fluency: Goal Setting

    4. 4.4 Teaching Fluency: Booster Strategies and Activities

    5. Module 4 Quick Quiz: Teaching Fluency

    1. 5.1 Fluency and Technology: Assessment Tools

    2. 5.2 Fluency and Technology: Instructional Tools

    3. Module 5 Quick Quiz: Fluency and Technology

    1. End-of-Course Survey

About this course

  • $105.00
  • 23 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


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